What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process promoting a website, with the result being higher rank and more traffic from the search engines. The methods we use are “white hat SEO” tactics, that keep our customers from every being penalized from an algorithm update. We have been promoting local business websites for many years, and we have developed our own style that has a proven track record. Our local SEO packages are second to none, and we hope you give us the opportunity to prove it to you.

What is Local Search Optimization?

Local search optimization is the process of increasing the traffic and visitors to a website by using SEO, but including geographical keywords and phrases in the generated content such as cities, streets and zip codes. Local SEO is the most powerful tool a small business can have for attracting customers online.

But specifically, what SEO services do you provide monthly?

Well we have a few tricks, but researching keywords in your industry and city is how it all begins. Next we ask that you send us copy each month to promote. We take that content and optimize it based on the target, then we promote the content through social media, guest posting, and other channels. We provide link building, however it has to be organically and natural, or that tactic won’t work. If you don’t want to provide copy to us each month, we have a copywriters that are happy to write for you. Next we look at your metrics each month and ask ourselves how improve visitor conversions (call, email, message) based on the design of the site. We then make changes accordingly.

Organic Results vs. Google Adwords

What is SEO? SEO seo location White Fox Studios

Further SEO Discussion:

Maximizing Your Click Through Rate, Mastering User Engagement,  Converting Visitors into Leads.

Everyone wants better rank, higher traffic, better leads, more sales. This guide is designed to do just that by upping your rank in laser targeted markets you and I are going to drive a ton more organic traffic, that actually wants to be there. We are going to push that traffic down a sales funnel keeping them engaged at every level and take every opportunity to convert each of them into a pre-qualified and ready to buy lead so that making the sale will be a breeze and they will continue to come back for more. As an added bonus I’ll be stepping up your understanding of how to record and analyze your sales, leads, conversion and traffic analytics.

How Maximizing Your Click Through Rate Affects Your SEO.

Now a top ranking factor for Google search in 2016, maximizing your click through rate is extremely important and the first step in getting more traffic on your website and subsequently decreases bounce rates in a big way. So not only are you driving more traffic by increasing your click through rate, you’re driving the right traffic to the content they are looking for at the right time in buying process.

How Crafting higher quality page titles for your content Affects Your SEO.

It’s all in the name and it should be. Even though it seems like page titles are a dime a dozen, having the best page title in the search engine results will get more users clicking through right away.

It’s no longer about keywords, locations or business names anymore, it’s about accurately describing the intent of the page not only is that what the Googlebot is looking for but that’s what the public wants to click on the page titled: “Exactly what I’ve been looking for!” Having said that Google only gives 95 characters to accomplish that goal and since getting it right is so important in such a tight space you had better brought your a game with every page title or your click through rate will fall flat.

Let’s get down to it…

  • Read the page, every single word of it, top to bottom.

  • Take an objective evaluation of the overall page intent, what is this specific content for, what am I asking the user to do or informing the user about, really.

  • Use an app that gives you a character count while you type like Notepad++ for windows or your Mac’s built in TextEdit app.

  • Watch the character count carefully and make sure you fit the entire page intent with in that 95 character limit.

  • Watch the rank go up and traffic role in.

  • If you need more insight or help use this guide to crafting the highest quality small business website page titles.

Your page title has to be clear and concise, so get straight to the point and tell everyone that you have best solution for their problem.

Figuring out what exactly it is that you are trying to provide, how people are looking for your product or service through keyword research and demographics, who your potential visitors are and what they respond to are all key factors to consider when coming up with a genius page title that will make more googlers click through to your website.

How Writing Better Meta Descriptions Affects Your SEO.

The second best resource Google gives you to capture a click through to your website is your meta description. Giving you an additional 150 characters to be the best option for your potential visitors. This is a place for you to describe further what the intent of the page is. Again, it’s not about keywords, locations or your business name. It’s about qualifying the page to the viewer reiterating that your are in fact the best option.

So do just that…

If you’re marketing a small service type business and the page your marketing is a service provided by that business, put your best foot forward, for example: “XXXX Service provider, licensed/bonded/insured, 20 years experience. Free Estimates.” That’s 11 words, 84 characters so there is room for more there.

Writing the best description of what you’re providing against your competitors is a sure bet, if your page title doesn’t grab them right away you have 2 – 5 more lines to capture your audience and making the most of it will definitely give you a leg up on the competition.

How Having More Reviews Affects Your SEO.

Obtaining good reviews might seem like a daunting task but it’s really easy, if you’re willing to put a little work in you can get a lot of results out. Setting yourself up for success takes a little prep.

Here are some actionable steps you can take to increase your business reviews on Google and elsewhere.

  • Setup an email template in MailChimp asking customers to review your business.
  • Add a link to a page on your website with a tutorial about how to sign up/login and write a review on google+.
  • Provide a direct link to your G+ page with the review flag so they are prompted to write the review immediately.
  • Get the vanity url for your G+ page and make business cards inviting your customers to review you, list the link on the card.
  • Create an in-house competition, eg. “The sales associate with the most mentions by name on G+ reviews, gets $50 at the end of the month.”
  • Do not ever create fake accounts to write your own reviews.
  • If you have reviews elsewhere, create a testimonials page on your web site and syndicate them to that page
  • Use schema.org, structured data, markup (machine readable code) so that Google can read and understand them.
  • Syndicate your Google reviews into your testimonials page on your website with schema.org markup as well, that way Google can see where your auxillary reviews fit in to their own reviews of your business.

How Rank Affects Your Conversion Rates.

All of the topics covered here are ranking factors, especially now and especially for local search and yes improving your rank will improve your traffic and your ctr but it won’t drive leads unless you really are relevant to the keywords/phrases you rank for. You see it is not just about being number one on Google. It is all about being in the top 3 in local maps results and top 5 in organic search results but not for just anything, for keyword searches that actually match pages on your website damn near exactly. You have to provide what your customers are looking for not just in service but digitally on a page on your website and everything we’re covering here will not only help improve your rank, but will make your web pages relevant as well as boost your click through rate, minimize your bounce rate and drive conversions into leads.

How Mastering User Engagement Affects Your SEO.

How Value propositions Affect Your SEO.

There are a few gurus talking about value proposition templates out there on the webernet but before you start getting your hands dirty you need to understand what value propositioning is, how beautifully simple it can be and who it is your targeting with your value proposition. First and foremost, unless you only do one thing, for only one type of human, you can’t just stick a value proposition on your front page and hope that all your traffic is going to act on it. You have to craft a specific value proposition for each product or service you intend to market and each type of human your marketing to. You can use our guide/tool for keyword demographics and deep keyword research tactics to figure out what to focus on and who to cater to. For more on value propositions you can use our “Generating high quality value propositions for small business local service web pages.”

HOW Creating Better Calls to action Can Affect Your SEO.

Probably the most important part of any value proposition is the cta or Call to action. This is the text inside the button that will whisk money out of your visitor’s wallets and into your bank account! No need to be polite, you do however want to be clear, concise, professional, assertive, confident and informant in no more than 5 words. Use our call to action best practices for small businesses guide to help you figure out how to craft the best calls to action for your value propositions.

How Internal link building Affects Your SEO.

Helps guide users through your content in context and helps Google better understand the intent of your website as a whole, the intent of each page on your website and how they all relate to one another. Internal link building isn’t just a great SEO tactic, it’s also an awesome way to drive visitors down your conversion funnel, especially if you’ve captured a visit at the research level you can use internal links to get them down to the comparison and ultimately the purchase level and yes having comparison pages of how you measure up to the competition is yet another SEO/lead generating tactic that works well, think of Progressive Insurance, even though they aren’t always the cheapest option they hand you all the comparison data and keep you on their site until it’s time to buy, building trust and probably convert most of their comparison shoppers into happy customers. Internal link building takes finesse and constant monitoring, taking the time to build great content around a tactile conversion funnel strategy and going backwards through the funnel to make sure every link opportunity is taken advantage of is both time consuming and tedious, requiring intimate knowledge of website and it’s content structure, when writing new content you need to think of all the pages that can be linked to front that page and what pages have references to the new contents topic and need to be updated with new links. This internal linking building guide can be used to help you comb through your web pages for missed internal linking opportunities. This conversion funnel strategy builder and our “Detailed tour of the small business website conversion funnel” blog post will help you grasp how conversion funnels work, what conversion funnels are and how internal linking can be used to help drive visitors down the funnel, while building trust with your user base.

How Finding, Analyzing and Reacting to Weak Points Affects Your SEO.

Hunting down exactly where your exits and bounces are happening is a widely neglected practice. Don’t you want to know where your visitors are leaving so you can better determine why and adjust accordingly? If your primary point of contact is a web form and you get low conversion ratios you might want to find out if users are leaving because of that form. Are they filling it out partially? Do they stop filling it because of a field you’ve marked as required that maybe they aren’t willing to provide information for? Is it hard to navigate your website or find the content they’re looking for? You should be tracking your form click and blur events in Google Analytics. You should be looking at mouse hover, click and scroll heatmaps too. They are analytics tools that can help you understand how far down users scroll and what they are clicking on, what they aren’t clicking on and what form fields they are hitting and watch ones get filled out. Having a good idea of what’s going on in the exit/bounce realm can help you adjust your design to minimize bounce and maximize conversion.

How Converting More Traffic into Leads Affects Your SEO.

How Understanding Conversion Funnels Affects Your SEO.

If you’ve ever been in sales you have a good understanding of what a sales funnel is and how valuable it is to know where your mark is in the funnel, if you’re pitching at a level higher or lower than your mark’s place in the funnel you’re going to risk losing the sale. The same applies to your website with conversion funnels especially for small business and local service websites. If you’ve structured a web page at the research level and a visitor looking to buy landed there rather than your purchase or contact page then you might lose them, if they can’t find what they are looking for quickly. A typical funnel is fairly simple to get your head around. At the top level you have users researching the product or service, trying to get an understanding of what they need and how to look for it even. The next step down is the comparison shopping level, where they want to know pricing, read reviews and look at user ratings, they’re also looking at travel time and/or who will come to them and turn around times. They could be a DIY step above or below this one depending on whether or not they’ve found a healthy list of providers or not. The DIY level could also be before the research level, so having a good how to game is crucial, you want to be so detailed and informative that you drive users down to the comparison or buy/contact level, which is where the website conversion funnel ends. You can take the detailed tour of the small business website conversion funnel and when you’re ready to jump in the driver’s seat, take advantage of the conversion funnel strategy builder.

How Reacting at Different Funnel Segments Affects Your SEO.

Creating landing pages for each product or service at each segment of the conversion funnel on your small business or local service website is a tactic often overlooked but it’s the reason why the highest performing online businesses are so successful. It builds trust and engages the user through the entire process, giving your business more share of voice across all the relevant topics.

Creating High Quality Lead Magnets Affects Your SEO.

Is a must in content marketing, you can have all the content in the world but not taking the opportunity to drive your readers to convert in context is a waste of time, money and a sure way to lose a potential client by bogging them down with content and not giving them the option for a way out. People don’t want to read but if they are in reading mode they are hunting for an answer and a way out. If you’re tired of reading about why you should be creating high quality lead magnets in context on your small business/local service website, jump to the “Crafting in context lead magnets guide” or just have a local seo services company create your lead magnets for you. Crafting a lead magnet that’s not spammy and generates real leads isn’t rocket science but can be tricky. Read through your content and when it feels right, write in an, easy on the brain, way out for your readers that targets those who are fed up with research or didn’t intend on researching in the first place. You can see prime examples of simple, high performance, lead magnets by reading through this “Crafting in context lead magnets” guide.

Simplifying Lead Acquisition Process Affects Your SEO.

What do you really need from the visitor? An email? Name & phone number? Stop creating impossibly long forms for people to fill out and just get the barebones minimum amount of information, contact them immediately, to obtain whatever else it is you need. This builds trust and longer lasting client relationships by getting to know them at letting them hear an actual human voice, in a world of robots and machines will get you so much further than you ever could have imagined.

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